Taking Watch at {Suns}rise + set

I watch sunrises & sunsets as much as I can, but I’ve been catching more Sunrise Ray’s lately.

Last Sunday, there was a low dark grey cloud shaped like a rectangular block, forming a line across the sky where the sunrise normally is. I thought ‘more rain? snow?’ then remembered a Sunset with a similar diagonal/straight line in the clouds, leading to daydreams of a thin veil that maybe we can only see in these soft transitions from dark to light, light to dark.

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But then the grey block changed – slowly, it evolved. The sunrise made it’s way back and it all happened while I wasn’t watching. My favorite part of any sunset/sunrise is the bold, bright change of color – oranges, purples, deep blues, constant cycles of color, But I rarely ever watch the slow transition – when it pales in comparison to the brightness, still some parts sky blue.

Much like ‘progress,’ we sometimes only see others at their brightest & boldest, not realizing they may have spent a good amount of time in that grey/transition period. But watching & Being the slow change, this is life. The passing of time, fast yet slow enough that we get an entire 24 hours each day, 365 days of the year. I used to stare at a cloud until it was completely out of sight from my window – time moved so slow, yet the cloud seemed to be in a hurry to get to the next window watcher.

Something to be said in all that:

Our mind is like a cloudy sky: in essence clear and pure, but overcast by clouds of delusions. Just as the thickest clouds can disperse, so, too, even the heaviest delusions can be removed from our mind. – Kelsang Gyatso

– Sheree V

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